How to Distinguish Original and Fake GX Screen Assembly

REWA Nov 15, 2021

There are 3 kinds of screen assembly products made of GVO: GX, fake GX, and the one without any identification.


The GX Screen Assembly difference between the logo

The "X" in fake GX logo is more rounded.


The GX Screen Assembly difference between the QR code

The QR code of original is clearer than fake one.


GX Screen Assembly difference between the QR code


The difference between the font of "GX-3"

The fake one is similar to boldface and the original one is similar to the regular script.


difference between the font of "GX-3"


GX Screen Assembly without Any Identification (GVO)

Made of GVO. Same quality like the original one but with a better price. If you are looking for GVO screen assembly with lower cost, this one will be your best choice.


GX Screen Assembly without Any Identification

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