What’s new in ios 14.6 update?

Blake May 28, 2021

iOS 14.6 was released for users not long ago, and many iPhone users find it hard to decide whether to ios 14.6 update or not. What’s new in the update worth our attention? With the question, REWA will bring you the introduction. Let's take a look!

14.6 update

iOS 14.6 update content introduction

1.Apple ios 14.6 download?

You should have a prompt, telling you iOS 14.6 can now be updated and ask you if you want to download it. You can do the followings:

a. Go to "Settings"

b. Select general

c. Click software update

Your device will connect to Apple's servers and prompt you to download and install updates. Follow the prompts to complete the installation. After the device restarts, it will run iOS 14.6.

Apple ios 14.6 Update Content

a.For ios 14.6 AirTag , the new beta has added a new feature that allows you to enter the email address as a contact method of the lost mode, not a phone number.

ios 14.6 AirTag

b. The update has also laid the foundation for Apple Card Family, which is a feature launched by Apple in April. Apple Card Family allows the spouse to share an Apple Card account, each as a common owner to establish credit.

c. Apple Card Family also allows parents to share an Apple Card with their children for shopping and have consumption limits and parental control. All the consumption of the family is tracked through a monthly bill, and an Apple Card account can add up to five people over the age of 13 for sharing.

d. Repair the known bug.

3. iOS 14.6 Accessibility

a. Voice Control users can unlock their iPhone for the first time after a restart using only their voice

4. iOS 14.6 fixes the following issues

a.After using "Lock iPhone 'on Apple Watch, unlock with Apple Watch may not work

b.Reminders may appear as a blank line

c.Call blocking extensions may not appear in Settings

d.Bluetooth devices may sometimes disconnect or send audio to other devices during an active call

e.iPhone may experience reduced performance during startup

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