How to Start A Cell Phone Repair Business

Blake Aug 26, 2017

As our previous post The Current And Future States Of Cell Phone Repair Industry 2017 has introduced, the revenue of cell phone repair industry is estimated at $4 billion, with an average of 3% or higher annual growth. What does it mean? As more and more smartphones are sold and damaged within each passing day, cell phone repair industry has grown at an amazing rate. As the poetry goes, “it was the worst of times, yet it was the best of times”. What is frustrating news for cell phone users is tink news for the repair shop?

How to Start A Cell Phone Repair Business

So, with this multi-billion dollar industry, you have got your ambition and decision, what else do you need for a successful cell phone repair business? How to get your phone repair business a quick start?

Follow our phone repair business tips below!

Initial Cost

How to Start A Cell Phone Repair Business

At the very first beginning of your business, money can be a real tough issue to get fixed. You may wonder how much money do you need for the business? Let’s figure out what those costs may include. For a regular cell phone repair shop, repair parts, repair materials and repair tools can be indispensable. Whether you repair phones locally or online, to get your repair business in order, do cover these costs at first.

Business Orientation

How to Start A Cell Phone Repair Business

Cell phone repair industry is complicated with different brands of cell phones accompanied with diversified techniques. iPhone is well known to be one of the easiest repair brands due to its high-end design and advanced process. You can get started with iPhone since it requires little experience. Still, with Android phones controlling a big part of the market share, you can also expand your business to those famous Android brands, such as Samsung, HUAWEI, LG, etc.

Market Research

How to Start A Cell Phone Repair Business

No matter what business you are going to set foot in, market research is always a necessary step. No matter you plan to set your repair shop on the street, or at home on the internet, you should know your street value and potential customers. Well, define what your time may worth and investigate your local competitor. Get to know the market in depth and make all your purchase worth your time. Make all your move mean something!

Correct Attitude

How to Start A Cell Phone Repair Business

Once you get the repair business in order, you may fall into a wordy environment created by yourself. You may wonder how much money can you earn. What else can you do to boost the business? Once you get beaten, you start to ask yourself some depressing problems. Where you should go. Persist or give up, that can also be a question. Well, pay attention to your mental health and get yourself a correct attitude in this repair business. For financial stability does not happen overnight. So do you.


For cell phone repair business, qualified parts and reliable service is the key to staying profitable. As a professional electronics aftermarket solution provider, REWA not only provides sourcing solution covering an extensive range of spare parts but also works on repair technique sharing. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave the comment below!

This is the beginning of a series of articles regarding cell phone repair business. Please stay tuned for more articles for learning more technique.

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REWA is a world leading electronics repair business solutions provider who was founded in 2008 in HongKong. We are committed to delivering one-stop services covering Sourcing Solution, Technical Support Solution as well as Recycle & Resell Solution.